Dark Dundee Video Series – Grissell Jaffray

Our first video explores the story of Grissell Jaffray, famous in Dundee’s history for being the last witch to be burned in public in 1669. In this video we explore the story told of Grissell, as few of the facts remain, and how witchcraft was feared and those accused were tortured in this dark timeRead more ⟶

On this day – Dundee’s Royal Arch Demolished

Dundee’s Royal Arch was erected in 1853 to commemorate the Royal visit of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1844, the first visit to the city by a monarch since the 17th century. The Queen often visited Dundee which was on her way to Balmoral. The Arch was commonly known as Victoria Arch to Dundonians,Read more ⟶

The Monster of Glamis

One of the most famous legends associated with Glamis Castle is that of the ‘Monster of Glamis’; a child born to the family and so hideously disfigured he was isolated in secret chambers within the castle walls, which were sealed upon his death. Legend has its beginnings in 1821 when the first son of theRead more ⟶

On this day – Councillors business interests questioned in trial

Whether any of the parties were found guilty, we don’t know, having not looked at the court records. But back in the 1980s there were just as many suspicions, and likely backhanders and deals going on. So much of the corruption and greed that went on from our elected officials we will never know, butRead more ⟶

Did William Wallace make his first kill in Dundee?

Dundee was certainly a pivotal city in the life of William Wallace, he was certainly educated here and did reclaim the city from the English during the wars of independence. But did he in fact, strike his first blow in the war that was to shape his life, here in Dundee? The story starts inRead more ⟶

Hurkle Jean

Grissell Jaffray is undoubtedly the most famous witch of Dundee, having been the last witch to be executed in Dundee, but Dundee’s superstitious side was still alive and well in the 19th century, when Janet Kindy, or ‘Hurkle Jean’, was believed to be responsible for a number of afflictions that allegedly beset the town. SicknessRead more ⟶